Ivo Welch’s Corporate Finance textbook, in its fifth edition in 2022, is not only the best finance textbook, but also the cheapest. Where its peers are selling for a shameless $300+, this more than comparable textbook is freely available in pdf form and a reasonable $60 in paperback. Buy a copy to support the effort to bring down textbook prices.
Do you get what you pay for? Compare for yourself by reading a few chapters.
Legitimate interested instructors can receive free evaluation copies. There is even a full self-testing course and quizzing website at syllabus.space (open source, AGPL licensed). There are extensive instructor materials. The topic coverage is similar, too.
How can this be possible? Ask your Pearson representative how they are paying for their marketing force.
The Welch book has been used at many top-tier and not-so-top-tier finance departments, for example, at Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Brown, Berkeley, UCLA, and many others. It has also been used by many mid-tier and non-ranked universities, at undergraduate and graduate levels. In direct competition, students have always preferred this textbook to its peer alternatives.
For unvarnished reviews left by readers of my previous edition, feel free to read the bookreviews.html.