The Best Widely-Used Corporate Finance Textbook

- 5th Edition, 2022.
- Always free online.
- Read Online Now (free pdf's).
- Buy a printed paperback copy from Amazon for $59 (740 pages).
- For connoisseurs of open-source licenses, the previous Edition 4 is now also open-sourced.
A quick read. Please do not email me unless you have read the FAQ first.
Teaching slides used in a UCLA intro course for MFE students in 2017
On-Line Testing
Two Good Choices Now:
- student self-testing, course administration;
- accepi: supported, universal, affordable.
Full Instructor Support
Instructor materials are available only to legitimate instructors for university-registered courses, never to students under any circumstances. If you have the required credentials, please contact for access.
Check out the coverage and feature comparison for Berk-Demarzo, Brealy-Myers-Allen, Ross-Westerfield-Jaffe, and Welch, and the instructor preface for some further perspectives and comparisons.
I also posted my 2018 presentation to the FMA why this book is the best there is at here.
Extended MFE Support Materials
based on the R Statistical Computing Language, courtesy of Yuxing (Paul) Yan (SUNY Geneseo). Highly Recommended. (support materials.)
with extra programming and data resources. Data Sets: 100 Large Stocks in 2005 100 Large Stocks in 2015.
I have various other chapters (e.g., on empirical capital structure in the U.S., governance, international finance, and options), but they are not yet well formatted. Use at your own risk: companion 2020.
An old writeup, but still the right way to teach the CAPM, but never fully developed.
Your Own E-Quizzes
If you have a set of quizzes with multiple choice or numerical answers that you designed yourself and that you would like to be coded into an online platform and that you would be happy to share with other instructors, we will code them for you into